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Showing posts with label importance of symbolic paintings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label importance of symbolic paintings. Show all posts


Lessons from an Healing Artist

Double Abundance - Symbolic painting by Rizwana
 A symbolic painting is just what come up whenever I sit to paint. The paintings put up in this post are done in the years 2009 and earlier.
Colour Therapy Cold Fire Painting for healing
 Colours can be used effectively for healing and colour therapy is just that. The cold fire in Reiki therapy is used to purify and negativity in form of energy in your home or office as well as your mind. The cold fire will cleanse any negative energy and transform the place or person into attracting positive energy. The painting can be hung in home or office for best healing results from colour therapy.
Charmed Possessions by Rizwana Healing Artist
 One of my favorite paintings and NOT for sale 'Charmed Possessions' is a beautiful painting done on canvas. The colours flow into one another and the golden symbols bring a three dimensional view to this artwork.
Sacred Geometry Painting

Abstract Geometric painting by Rizwana
My small paintings done in the early years of 2000 and 2005 have many geometric shapes. One f the artworks that had received very good comments and I tried my hand in making the same piece on a larger oil sketch paper. The painting can never be copied, not even by me and however much hard I tried to make the same piece I just couldn't!
lesson number one- each painting is unique.So put your maximum for the one painting that is in your hand.
Lesson number two- never try to copy any artwork as I can't, (though there are some fake artist who do just that, wonder if they would have painted their originals they would have made an identity till now!)S I have left the idea of going through old paintings for inspiration and each new painting is always different from my other works.
Lesson three- Paint what you love and what comes easily. Trying my hand on making fine art paintings has led me to some frustration and I have left the desire to make fine art. Let my art be as I am with my symbols and my abstraction! more complex than it seem and still more beautiful!
Lesson Four- Only painting is not enough. I need to sell my artworks for a career in art. Selling a part of me, my soul is put up in each painting, still the fact and truth is that we artists cannot hoard our paintings forever. These artworks when heal others will give me more happiness than I can imagine. Just the though that a part of me will be in many other homes or offices, is great! Share your art.
Lesson Five- keep learning. Do not stand still. Movement is necessary for progress. This is the most important lesson from my life and I have always kept the struggle for identity on. Keeping the art and artist alive with all the pressures and limitations is the best part of my artist journey.
Symbols have come after I have painted lines for years and years. People viewing lines would think they are monotonous and even I was confused with this souls longing for making lines. The lines have transformed into shapes giving meanings to my art. healing and feng shui paintings are my latest artworks and still I do not know how my artist journey will progress. When a new idea will come up and new artworks with loads of energy and love. Healing art is for life and my Reiki paintings with karma symbols heal the past, present and future. The thrill, the excitement with each new artwork and the enthusiasm of each new colorful idea for painting is all that keeps me alive!


The Symbolic Value and Interpretation of Symbolic Scriptures Paintings

Scriptures have been used since many years by symbolic artists as a form of presenting their thoughts on canvas. There are so many religions and so many symbols and each symbol can be expressed and sued in different contexts. The artist can use so many symbols and it is only the respective artist who can explain about their artworks and art symbols used in their paintings. Every artist will use symbols in different context and if one may use red flowers to represent love and passion the other may use it to represent anger and jealousy. Birds, horses, fairies and flowers all have been used in symbolic paintings over the years.
A different genre of painting is to use texts and scriptures in paintings. Many famous artists have been successful in presenting their artworks using scriptures from different religions of deities. Especially in India there are many religions followed and each religious text also may be different.

Anchored by Rizwana Mundewadi

Move Ahead by Rizwana Mundewadi

Symbolic Painting by Rizwana Mundewadi

Different brush strokes can be made to make symbols and also different colored scriptures can be painted for an symbolic painting. The symbolic artist will use brushes of different sizes and textures, materials to make different surfaces in painting and also use hand and fingers to make abstract symbolic artworks. Many art techniques and art styles can be used to get the effect on symbolic paintings. Any artist who loves script can incorporate them in their paintings and many have selected the field of symbolic paintings as their specialty like me as an healing artist I love to paint symbols on my paintings. Symbols and scriptures give life to my paintings as if they are speaking with the viewer and you can feel the attraction and hear the conversation that the symbols have with you when you view and go near the artworks. I love symbols! They are life given to your brush strokes and life given to colours. They make symbolic paintings come alive.
Faith by Rizwana Mundewadi
Serenity by Rizwana Mundewadi
You see paintings with the symbol 'OUM" or 'OM' many times and this is the most powerful symbol used for peace and prosperity and harmony. The swastik is another powerful symbol used in paintings by symbolic artists. My artworks usually have Reiki symbols and many artists use Chinese symbols along with objects used for symbolic values. feng Shui paintings are also a way to making symbolic artworks and they are seen in many homes for their symbolic value. I love to use colour for symbolic value and hence my artworks may not only have symbols but also each colour has its individual importance for why it has been used in the artwork.
Scriptures and texts can be either painted on canvas or paper or drawing board and in fact any material can be used to make symbolic artworks. Arabic calligraphy is another very important symbolic genre and a very attractive way of incorporating texts into your paintings. Marathi texts also have been used by many artists in their symbolic paintings. Some artists also paint texts of  famous poems and thoughts of famous people in their paintings.
Why symbolic scripture paintings are easily understood? Because each painting has some text which can be read or viewed by the viewer these symbolic paintings have a sense of direction. Many abstract paintings that are symbolic will give the viewer some idea about the concept and theme of the painting when scriptures are involved in the symbolic artworks. This also becomes easy for the buyer of art to select the artwork they are comfortable with. Here symbolic paintings can be very beneficial for healing artists as they can use symbols for the benefit of people. Many positive and motivational symbols and powerful scriptures can be used according to the problems in lives of the buyers. As we all know art has a profound effect on our mental psyche paintings are now beginning to take the most important place in our homes as well as our heart.
Positive symbols used in paintings can be used to uplift mood and recharge the environment with positive energy.
A symbolic artist uses symbols that are charged with positive energy and intentions to heal lives and past bad karma. Scriptures from an very important part of any symbolic painting and can be easily interpreted by the viewer according to the texts painted on the artwork. Whenever you select an symbolic painting to buy it would be better to have a conversation with the respective symbolic artist to understand the use of texts and scriptures in their paintings. With this understanding the symbolic paintings will have a better and improved healing effect on the viewer.

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