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How to display correctly the Yin Yang Symbol, Direction Understanding and Yin Yang Symbolism in Life

 Yin Yang symbol having universal appeal is one of the commonest seen and used symbols in every culture. Be it the East or the West all people are familiar with this symbol and its symbolic sanctity is also understood by all. There is a deep meaning in this unique symbol which is never mentioned any where and as my spiritual journey carries forward I have been using this yin yang symbol extensively in my healing and feng shui paintings.
With the viral spread of this symbol people really don't know that it may be doing them more harm than good! In this eye opener post sharing the correct way to display YIN Yang symbol art and how it affects life when the symbol is wrong.

Elemental Luck Best Yin Yang Symbol healing painting for sale  by Rizwana A.Mundewadi
The yin yang Tao symbol has been used to project harmony, a balance of positive and negative; white and black; dark and light; day and night; In fact 'chi' or the basic energy life force in feng shui is also having two constituents, that is heaven and earth. The two symbols unite to make a whole, which look like tad poles attached in opposite direction , together to make a complete whole. Usually the yin yang symbol is seen in black and white with two holes in each shape. The two holes represent that each is incomplete without the other. Basically it can also be said that the two are male and female , extrovert and introvert and there are many attributes in nature that, though being opposite,  are all in harmony.
Just sharing a photo but remember there is actually no right or wrong, read the post below to understand more about YIN YANG!
Complete Happiness by Rizwana A.Mundewadi
wrong way to display

Yin Yang by Rizwana A.Mundewadi
right way to display
Opposite forces are required for balance and one cannot exist without the other. The black is yin or dark energy and the white, yang indicates light force. Two are merged in form of circle , where we see that the yin has a bit of yang and the yang has a bit of yin, indicating that both are merged together to form a complete whole. The dark part of yin always has to face downwards and the yin has to create a force that rises upwards. When this is in balance then we see peace, harmony, good health and an enriching environment that leads to a successful life.
I did correct my symbols! Read on The Red Pilgrim's Blog post and worst Yin Yang symbol mistakes!
Yin Yang symbol Oil paintings are a easy way to balance your environment of any imbalances created by natural or man made reasons. In cases of imbalance such symbolic healing paintings help to enrich your environment and create positive chi in your home and office. This symbol is a very powerful symbol and when the intentions of the healer are put up the same art work acts as a feng shui cure and can heal.
The beautiful harmony symbol of Yin and Yang has been projected in art as with many colors, forms and images. Where we see a floral Yin Yang we see a geometric Yin Yang and also one in red, blue , orange or absolutely white.

What many don't understand that the way it is displayed projects that type of energy in your environment. The black , often the Yin has to face down, as it projects energy down wards. White the positive energy Yang has to point upwards.
Then we see the full Tao symbol in white, it does not heal in any way except that may also create imbalance with only yang energy. As we know where there is Yang so also must be the Yin for happiness, health and prosperity.
Then there are two holes, which again are very important as it indicates that they merge, connect and flow into each other. This again indicates that they are in harmony.One has to inter connect with the other for perfect energy and harmony.
If you have doubts regarding display of Yin yang symbol paintings do email me, I will advise you for the best. for tons of information Rizwana's Feng Shui-Simple Cures Blog.
Too much Yin in environment drains energy and makes one lethargic and less motivated. Whereas too much Yang too will drain your energy as you will not be able to relax and thus maybe also become less productive as a result of over working. 
The beautiful symbol is a very good feng shui energy symbol to attract harmony in life and a great prosperity symbol.
How to display YIN YANG symbol healing art?
this depends upon the energy you want in your space. Example of a female lady boss entrepreneur wishes to display Yin Yang symbol healing painting she will need to have here female energy dominating in the space to lead.In family homes if this is display as Yin point upward it may bring aggressive energy to the females of the house which may or may not be good for every family.
If the Yang is displayed in bedroom as pointing upwards the couple may not be able to rest and relax well.   In office space we need harmony as well as creative energy. The productive cycle must go on to show profits in business and attract new orders. Easily you can activate feng shuii with healing paintings, Feng Shuii Cure Paintings.  
Avoid Yin Yang Paintings here! there are spaces which need strong feng shui cures and you must avoid Yin Yang symbol paintings in bathrooms, attics, storage areas, long gloomy passages and dark areas. here is a Reiki healing arts meditation video on my You Tube Channel the Red Pilgrim for space clearing in your house. Such negative stagnant energy spaces will need purification and harmonising symbols first and then you can call upon the Universe for complete harmony with Yin Yang symbol. There is also the beautiful reiki symbol that assists in harmonizing energies. the Male female Reiki Seichem Reiki symbol. 
Thank you for coming by Rizwana's Blog Razarts!
Rizwana's Razarts Blog 

Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You All The Best! 
 A Healing Artist selling original art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art 

Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading joy, health,wealth and success with my Reiki Paintings!
More on Rizwana's Razarts Blog-
Where not to Hang Aum Mani Padme Hum Paintings
Gazing Globes and Yin Yang Mirror Cure in Feng Shui

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