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Showing posts with label Understanding of Serene Water Landscape Painting Symbolism in your Sea Landscape Painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Understanding of Serene Water Landscape Painting Symbolism in your Sea Landscape Painting. Show all posts


Understanding of Serene Water Landscape Painting Symbolism in your Sea Landscape Painting

Water, sea scapes, landscapes of water and beaches paintings usually have universal appeal and are the most sought after as gifts in art.  Paintings of water may be gifts or  bought by you on a visit to the art gallery.  Every painting in their own have a feng shui a energy and have an identify of their own. Interpreting symbolism behind art began with me after a most loved work of art with huge expanses of fresh bluish green turquoise water with golden sands on the  beach and no individual or life forms, the work definitely was costly and also loved by all.

Imagine a work of art,  place is so beautiful, serene , with large expanse of turquosie clear water everywhere and less human souls moving about, enjoyed the serenity maybe a lone bird or two in the sky, the artist wishes to represent a serene beach landscape emotion or peace. A very good place for plein air artists.
Our own past experiences , beliefs, likes and preferences bring out a totally different emotion for viewing the same piece of art. Each viewer will interpret the art work differently.  loved the peace, colors,  in this artwork. Total calmness, peace, soothing water, turquoise also indicates fresh and the open sky, quietness and of course took the viewers to another realm, fantasy, dream destination.
Another viewer may  jump off viewing this beautiful piece to a more colorful one or an abstract. Why? Just didn’t like it. Why do people not like what is beautiful, each one differs here, while one loves water the other may be scared of water.
Fisher women on beach by Rizwana
Let us analyze the beautiful costly  landscape of vast water-
1) Large expanses of quietness is good for a time but viewing this day and night might some how bring in the energy of total relaxation which is not good if you are the sole earning member of the family.
2) More so if such a silent painting is hung in the south, as feng shui element for south is fire, this energy is diminished by symbolic water resulting in people losing up on work opportunities and also attracting bad name. The enthusiasm to work will gradually fade out , maybe the individuals also beginning to stay at home more.
3) Solitude is good for mediation and relaxation when you visit Port Blair you can enjoy the serene turquoise beaches but in your home when you hang such a artwork especially in relationship area or bedroom this will bring an energy of loneliness and the person may end up being without any friends or colleagues and also affect marital relationships adversely maybe leading to separation.
4) The piece of art may be so quiet the person is exposed to such energy every time for days and months , may end up speaking less and less and may go inward which is not very good for social life as humans we are social animals and not born to live alone.
5) No human life in the landscape, may end up having no humans in real life.
6) Water waves have an energy of their own. While the artist takes pains to bring out as naturalistic paintings as possible putting their heart and soul in the work of art the waves with their energy, either strong or passive have an effect on the emotional feelings of viewers. Imagine large waves of water greeting you as you enter the home, it is like going against the tide and will require a lot of effort for anyone to enter your home, even the family members. Pure white waves in gradual natural motion are best as they bring soothing money luck energy. 
7) If the water is muddy again this has a bad effect on the mind and life of the viewers with confused thoughts and no focus on life goals. Clear mirrors and clear shiny water are good symbols.
8) Single dried trees, eagles or vultures, in fact any single bird is a bad feng shui symbol, especially in the bedroom or relationship areas. In landscape paintings where vultures of lone birds is clear indication of getting stranded or losing direction.
Understanding the feng shui symbolism before purchasing a piece of art is very important as you will spend a lot of many on buying art and the beautiful pieces will share the space in your life for years and years to come. 
Landscapes are beautiful paintings that connect us to nature. Most artists takes pains to bring nature at its closest in their artworks.  But as buyers you have to go in for your personal likes and preferences. This may involve elements in the paintings, like how mush beach part you like, the colro of water and vent he sky above can be orangy or bluish. The beach can be empty or have a few people, the beach painting can also have a few coconut trees to break the barrenness without breaking the silence and beauty of the artwork. 
Some beautiful fresh waves of energy are great to welcome energy of wealth but not violent string waves which may create harm. You can also select the time in your landscapes paintings as most feng shui beneficial are sunrises as they represent glory, hope and positivity of a fresh new start of day!
All the Best from Rizwana!
Thank You!

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